
Treacle Mines

Eileen Roche dives into a folklore trope, and recommends ‘suspend disbelief here’   The subject of Treacle Mines has a long and interesting history, which I suspect will be of interest to some NE readers. I first became aware of their existence when some friends took me for a walk one hot summer’s day on

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An Intriguing Find: Geomythography from Scarba and Jura

Stuart McHardy introduces the idea of geomythography, with an example of the insights to which this process may lead.   Geomythography is a process of analysing landscape and society over time through evidence from oral tradition, archaeology, place-names, ritual and belief and the landscape itself. Significantly shaped hills – ‘paps’ – in various parts of

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The View from the Henge Bank: Northern Earth or Northern Chorography?

Bob Trubshaw unearths a more time-honoured terminology for earth mysteries research   Should readers of Northern Earth be referred to as ‘earth mysterians’? Or as ‘neo-antiquarians’? Or what? Like ‎Molière’s bourgeois gentilhomme, who discovers rather late in life that he has been speaking prose all along, it seems we have always been chorographers. No, not

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NE 173 coming soon

The September issue of Northern Earth will be finding its way to subscribers and shops by the end of August. Our lead article comes from Ceri Houlbrook, with an investigation of the attentions paid to the imaginary grave of Dobby, the house elf in the Harry Potter series. Other features address the fascinating appearance of

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A sense of direction

Mark Greener describes how research is pointing to humans’ own magnetic compass   Every time I get close to certain Avebury stones, an area I know and love, I experience a definite, palpable sensation lurking on the edges of my perception. Sadly, I wasn’t thrown back like Roj Blake (OK, it was Adam Brake in

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Megaliths and Lichenoglyphs

Lichen growth is a perennial but rarely remarked feature of a megaltihic site visit. Mark Greener explains why we should take notice Lichens are easy to overlook: seemingly nondescript splodges on megaliths, insignificant against the scale of the stone let alone compared with the grandeur of the sacred landscape. Yet they’re integral to megalithic beauty:

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