Dreaming Valleys 2

March 2020 was a tense time for us, as the government considered the first lockdown and we had a groundbreaking event planned in Hebden Bridge! In the end, we made it with a week to spare, and the day was lapped up by a motley crowd of folklorists, geographers, historians, earth mysterians and psychogeographers sharing their perspectives on interactions and perceptions of landscape and place. Speakers and musicians varied the day’s presentations, and it was a great day to enjoy before we lapsed into the social coma that was the pandemic.

Pressure from presenters and audience not to assign Dreaming Valleys to history has brought about Dreaming Valleys 2, with a real multimedia line-up of talks, films and music. See https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dreaming-valleys-2-a-day-of-deep-topography-tickets-583116907367 for more details and tickets (which include lunch so you don’t have to walk down to HB and back at lunchtime!)