The first place to look for announcements of upcoming events, recent changes or additions to the web site and all things to do with Northern Earth.

New online-only articles

We have recently added articles that have not appeared in print in the magazine, owing mostly to their length the journal format. Please search for ‘For Queen and Country’, an exploration of England’s Eleanor Crosses from a neo-antiquarian standpoint; and ‘Walking Myth into Place’, a revisiting and upgrading of  the controversial concept of the terrestrial

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New articles

We’ve just uploaded a batch of new articles from NE86 through to NE92, covering a range of topics such as astrological interpretations of a Minoan fresco, investigation of a Cheshire long barrow, time-slips, pennystones, round tables, folk medicine in Lancashire, spirit roads, the nature of place, the Curse of Carlisle, Mayburgh’s legends, and sites and

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Dreaming Valleys presents Gareth E Rees, Sunken Lands

NE’s sister platform of Dreaming Valleys aims to have two-yearly all-day events, and subsidiary events in between. This June we will be hosting Gareth E Rees, speaker at the last DV conference in 2023, and author of Marshland, Unofficial Britain, Car Park Life: Britain’s Unexplored  Wilderness and other books. His new book, Sunken Lands, is an exploration

Dreaming Valleys presents Gareth E Rees, Sunken Lands Read More »

A sideways look at the apotropaic Marian mark.

Apotropaic or protective marks have featured in much recent historical research, in which NE editor John Billingsley has been active with co-founding the Hidden Charms conference and publishing his book Charming Calderdale, investigating protectives in his area of West Yorkshire. Here, he turns his attention to what happens when a mark loses its contemporary religious significance,

A sideways look at the apotropaic Marian mark. Read More »

Journeys of the Soul: Vernacular funeral paths in Upper Calderdale

Funeral paths, popularly known as corpseways, became a familiar topic in neo-antiquarian research in the 1980s when they entered discussions about leys as spirit roads. The association with leys faded, but they are still recognised as spirit paths of a kind, and often interact with hauntings and other supernatural encounters. In this book, John Billingsley

Journeys of the Soul: Vernacular funeral paths in Upper Calderdale Read More »

Rushbearing & Ancient Measures books available again!

To tie in with the Sowerby Bridge Rushbearing Festival on the first weekend of September, we are pleased to be able to offer again Garry Stringfellow’s brief history of rushbearing customs in Sowerby Bridge and N England. https://northernearth.co.uk/books/ Also available by courtesy of the publishers is Peter Harris and Thomas Gough’s revised and heavily illustrated

Rushbearing & Ancient Measures books available again! Read More »