The Hollow Land

John Billingsley reports back from a more than usually liminal caving expedition In 2007, a group of us had an excursion to caves in the N of England, and were moved by an unexpected experience in a small cave that had a history of prehistoric usage from the Upper Paleolithic through the Mesolithic and Neolithic, […]

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F J Falding speaks to us from the 19th century about how antiquarianism embodies an over-arching and syncretic involvement with a local environment, an approach that is still valid in NE’s version of ‘neo-antiquarianism’ Not until I began to prepare this paper was I quite aware how difficult a task I had undertaken. Anyone who

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An Enquiry into Walking

When Jim Kimmis died at the end of 2006, the neo-antiquarian world lost a figure whose contributions to its world-view went largely unrecognised. Here we have Jim embarking on a phenomenological journey that many of us will share. Elements of a Journey Any journey, from a short walk to a world tour, can be analysed

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Collective Amnesia

How far and how long can we trust the memory of a people? John Billingsley stirs the forgetfulness of a West Yorkshire village. Claims are often made for the longevity of oral tradition, and the belief that a people can hold memorable events in their minds and lore for long afterwards. The unspoken and quite

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Taking the Long View

This article by John Billingsley is a set of linked psychogeographical reflections deriving from a time, a place, an exhibition (a Richard Long retrospective), and a book (Colin Renfrew’s Figuring It Out, Thames & Hudson, 2003) . Tuesday, August 4, 1998. Pavilion Gallery, Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Arriving late, just an hour till the gallery closes,

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